Sunday, April 12, 2020

Constant Engagement

it's a constant engagement - with each moment we are open to the world with all it brings to our attention, to even levels beyond perception, a mingling of aspects of the whole. There is nothing that we're not part of - to simply breathe is to co-conspire with air, a whisper gives cause to a continued vibration, and to acknowledge another is to welcome them as our own in reflection. We don't ever withdraw from the world. To see this, we return the view to source, tracing the line of sight directly back to its beginning - there's two discoveries here, the absent of a viewer, an engaged space, open, allowing, and aware. Further, we discover the world exactly as it is, without need of our manipulation, everything occurring in the grace of its own fashion. We are the space to engage with our own being. It all happens on its own, 


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