Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Reality of This Acceptance

it's all perfect acceptance - nothing excluded, indeed, it's the broken, seemingly rejected edges that find their own true belonging in this understanding. There's no argument against this, for our debate too is seamless in its instant inclusion. This recognition brings us directly to our original essence, our relaxed, ever present, state of being. It's a pointer. We immediately relax to what is, our dislikes, fear, impatience, or whatever mood or state the moment holds. This is not a fix, or cure for any sense of unease or stress. It's not an escape from any experience. It's simply, only, seeing how reality has come to embrace what is present right now, without prejudice or design. Perfect acceptance, no effort of our own, the simplicity of what is. Our mind argues - but nothing is rejected. It's all beyond the need to claim this action as our own. We are perfectly accepted, exactly as we are, in the reality of this acceptance. 


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