Thursday, April 16, 2020

In Infinite Expression

from just one thing, vast, and still given to minute detail - we find ourselves somehow aware of this existence. That we are individual, yet fully part of the whole, it's all expressed in a miraculous fashion. To see this, our wholeness, how large we truly are, and too our unique appearance in it all - is to awaken. Neither of these aspects negate the other. Seeing our fragility enhances the strength of our overall structure, a sense of loneliness is felt as a reach towards connection, our small belief in self becomes an openness to receive the world. It's seamless exchange, a shifting view of detail looking back to the greater capacity through which it is held. And that is what we awake to - that we are capacity and content, template and detail, one thing in infinite expression. So through this we see that nothing truly can be excluded, everything is simply another aspect of the whole. And this too - is our own belonging. 


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