Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Seasonal Language

it's a seasonal language - and now the world 
speaks in shades of green, 

through the spring of our

no season is apart from another, a world in motion brings a seamless variety of seasonal expressions, each belonging to the whole of what we know as time. Right now the world is vibrant in its offering, green, as if life reaches outward through every branch and blade of grass. Yet even now we turn that much closer to the burn of summer, and further still to the cold depth of winter. The shift is constant. Through this all there is a timelessness that accepts each aspect of a season in full surrender, a grace that allows the full bloom of a flower to the eventual release of its petals to the wind. All things occur within and as this greater capacity, presence, life aware and happening as itself. We too are not apart from this, speaking our own seasonal language. 


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