Thursday, May 17, 2018

Rushed To Our Fulfillment

already, and always open - and once seen, the 
world is rushed to our 

It's as simple as noting first the objects of the world and then a tracing glance back to find the one that holds the view. We're not searching for what's real, it's not an inquiry on the nature of self and ultimate existence. It's just seeing. From this point, from what's seen and as equal what's not seen, we are drawn to a conclusion of only that we are opened ended, no answers other than our place as mystery. This is our meditation to do, look, give a moment to both directions of the view - my own seeing brings me from a world of objects, from trees and every leaf in vivid detail, to that which gives way through deep appreciation for it all to be. I see myself in pure open devotion, spacious and allowing. From this side of the view - it's my favor to serve the world. 
I am open. 


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