Thursday, March 15, 2018

I'm Not Interested In What's True

and really, I'm not interested in what's true, ultimate truth - but only in letting each moment speak in various degrees of honesty. Beyond this is speculation, and an opinion held that may prove false or non-valid as awakening unfolds. To see is to allow all things, thoughts, and objects as well, to simply be in a reality of equal terms - what is appearing right here, now, may or may not be true in a greater understanding, aside from preference, it doesn't matter if I know its value past this very moment. Seeing, and the recognition of what's present - is all that I may know. 



Ysabel Mo. said...

Beautiful my friend. Reading you even when I am a bit distant from facebook. Blessings and a unicorn to you. 😍

A Headless Place said...

thank you!