Thursday, March 1, 2018

And Now

from mystery - and 

we belong only in this given moment, the past a story told and what appears next is unknown until the instant that it happens. It only seems we have a choice in how the story goes, a play of options in which to navigate our future role. And yet we are brought here, right now, with little in the way to prove control. An inquiry into mystery provides no answers, no set path followed or appearing to unfold before us. We imagine scenarios, and maybe they will happen, but uncertainty it the only promise mystery ever holds. Yet we cling to a wish for power, believing ourselves set in destiny's course. Perhaps mystery will hold this course as well. 
It's unknowable.
Until infinite variables play out in their own fashion - and again we find ourselves right here, belonging only to this given moment. 
Marveling at how we got 
here at all. 


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