Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cosmos And Chaos Both In Completion

let's just sit for right now, this one moment - if we insist on noting attention in a mindful matter, let's start with the breath, on its own it functions to bring life, no effort of our own needed. We're just sitting, and here we find a perfect state of allowance. Our heart is beating, the brain commands countless performances, cells begin the moment another ceases - and we're just sitting here in our own, a universe of motion within the play of larger fields unknown to us. 
We're a mystery. 
There is no effort needed to simply be, to prove our existence, or even sit in a mindful manner. It all happens. In fact - a more truthful statement is that we happen, we're an event of infinite proportions and consequence. What happens while we sit is no less than the turning of the world, cosmos and chaos both in completion, and at no point are we apart from this or make it happen.
It's all a mystery. 
And it's happening right now. 


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