Friday, July 8, 2016

We Meet Ourselves In Seamless Vision

Here, with gaze retuned to point of
origin - we meet ourselves in
seamless wonder.

Unfolding as the world.

Our vision holds only the truth of illusions - objects are real in appearance, yet lack the solidity of a separate reality of their own. We too hold ourselves to this truth and we too are no more apart from the whole as any object held in vision. There are no lines that allow a sudden becoming - we are form given a gradual appearance from the formlessness of existence. At no point do we emerge as separate from the source. At no time will we ever cease to be existence. Return to the origin of the gaze, there are no lines that designate scenery from the seer, appearance from the source, one object from another. From here - it's one thing.

We are in the midst of distance - the very thing we wish to gain by steps and stride. Relax. We're already where we need to be.


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