Monday, July 25, 2016

In The Spaciousness Of Being

And this too - our meditation of inclusion to what is witnessed from the source. In the spaciousness of being all things are seen in the light of a continuous existence. Nothing apart. Our view it traced backwards - here, is our absence, an alive emptiness of infinite compassion in its allowance to let things be and cherish them in their passage. This too - these words a mantra of letting go. Our meditation is simply a reminder, a shift again to original source. From here - nothing is held save the view of who we truly are.

Running is like this - a letting go of steps to become the stride and meet the earth in grace and ease, the breath taken in from sky and given again as single air. We recognize one existence with many aspects to its Being. Running is simply presence that lends itself to the illusion of motion. From the source, in stillness, we pretend that we too are passing through. In truth we've never moved at all. We're continuously letting go.


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