Sunday, July 24, 2016

Always It Was One Thing

A point of merging - this present reality accepting of itself in the guise and form of something other. It's a trick of eye and mind. At no time are we separate from any aspect of ourselves. Including each other. And yet we play the game of seeking pleasure in the appearance of duality - one thing split in image and given the illusion of time and place. It's all for this moment - a nod of recognition so subtle in its intimacy we often fail to see to the continued spread of one thing existing as another without break in pure awareness. What we see is a point of merging - our reach, space, and contact with objects appearing separate from our fingers. One at the point of touch. To look further we see a deeper truth - form interacting with itself as formless and again to the solid love we know as touch. At no time did we part from original existence. Always it was one thing.

Our tracks are left more in recognition of a long embrace against the earth and less than a memory of our passing. Earth knew itself as runner - and we, simply the means of its caress.


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