Monday, July 4, 2016

Lessons From A Tree

From stillness - and yet a tree is always expanding in minute measure, living, an effortless function to the world by virtue of its being. There is carbon drawn through to roots and ground and breathed again as cleansing air. Time is marked in the change and passage of their leaves. Again from the seeming stillness of their location. We are no different then trees ourselves - we share the same stillness of allowance. The ground of being is fertile for every expression. Life has come through presence and expressed itself as tree, as every blade of grass, and shades of people believing in a separate existence. Apart from it all. A tree has no need to question its belonging. It's touched as both earth and sky in singular connection. One touch. And so are we. From stillness - and yet we are always expanding in minute measure, living, and effortless function to the world by virtue of our being.


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