Tuesday, June 14, 2016

This Space Offered By Our Absence (Or Adventures In Headlessness)

It all occurs here, everything - within this space offered by our absence. With gaze returned to point of origin, there is only this wakeful capacity that holds all things. No borders to edge a separate reality. Just this. All along we were less than what our thoughts held, this pieced together fabric of the mind. Yet more as well. We been revealed in absence. Nothing found - with all inside.

The trick is to look, really look - find the edge of where we think the head may be. Look. With attention turned around - what do we find? The truth is we've never seen anything other than photos, reflections, and hints of parts where we suspect a face. Other's tell us that it's there. And we believe them. Perhaps it's true - but on present evidence of what can be found with sight alone, not mirror, no photo, no report from any other - what do we find? Absence. Yet an awake, aware, vital absence that is providing the template for the world to be. Including other's. My face for yours. It's a lovely trade. What does this have to do with running? You tell me - look upon distance faceless, headless, in the present evidence of attention turned around - and what is there to find? Perhaps the world unfolding from where we thought our head would be.


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