Thursday, June 16, 2016

From Which A Singular World Is Seen

Traded - a crowded view of objects, each seeming to hold a separate existence of its own, for this empty space from which a singular world is seen. We have given our capacity in the allowance of one thing to be. Our space is traded for the world and still there is endless room for more. This is our grandest gift of love - an exchange of void for the appearance of another resting in our view. It's awareness recognizing itself in the guise and gaze of duality. Really there was no trade at all - just another way of seeing what is present all along.

It's path, runner, and objects along the way - one thing seemingly broken to parts that come together, In this view we seek to accomplish and recover a lost sense of one. We can trade this view for the truth of our own empty, grand capacity - it all exists within awareness. It's all awareness. We are awareness. A broken part is always held as one. It only seems broken for the mystery of reunion, a celebration of non-return to that which can't be left. Seen this way - a runner travels through their own majestic wonder. Aware.


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