Saturday, June 4, 2016

Our Gaze Tured Now Towards The Source

It's an unbound openness - seen from here, our gazed turned now towards the source. This is the space of our unbecoming. Our belief is in a filled landscape of time and objects. And there is truth in outer appearances. The world is real. But only in a sense. A story told with eyes directed away from source is missing the origin of the scenery. It all starts before the gaze at the empty point we meet the world. Here, is the capacity of allowance. An emptiness that begs in an offering for all things to be within itself. The Source. And there we are too - not truly seen until our gaze is turned around. It's not hard to find. We hide in plain openness.

As the Source - distance starts here. We always meet the world at its point of origin. So every run is our beginning.


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