Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Running With Kindness

Be kind. Run with a kind heart. The path ahead is shaped by present thoughts. Kabbalah wisdom holds that we can be reactionary people or responsive Beings - the choice is always ours. Running with kindness means first practicing allowance. We accept what is and only then respond. Reacting means that we are often at the mercy of an outside stimuli or influence. A response shows that we have achieved a certain mastery of our internal states and our choices become a reflection of this inner calm. Kindness is our default mode. It's where we safely retreat to even in the midst of a choice gone wrong. It's kindness towards ourselves that allow us to make amends for a reaction that may not be in our best interest. With kindness we may always choose again. Our bodies and minds will become supple when held in kindness - we demand less and achieve more. Most importantly we find that we live in a responsive universe -our kindness is welcomed by earth and sky and the path ahead is clear in what it offers.


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