Saturday, December 27, 2014

Running With The Breath

Running is the breath - the unseen essence of who we are in motion. A breath drawn in marks our declaration of being in the material plane. We breathe in our very existence to the world. It's this energy taken in from spirit that gives life and more - the wish to be expressed in the pure joy of motion. We inhale and the urge to run is born.
Exhalation is the gift of return. We give life back to the universe - we give life to the universe. We exhale in remembrance of the unseen. For a brief moment between breaths we exist in two worlds. We have given life and have yet to draw life back in. Running brings us to this edge in a rhythm of breath and pause - over distance we have danced with life and nonexistence. We are reminded that what sustains us can't be seen. The breath is a mystery and running the means for exploration.
Running is the breath.


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