Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Running With Resonance

Everything vibrates - a singular pulse unique to its nature. Yet traced to its source each vibration is found born from a creative silence. The common home of all things. We are the song of nature. For a runner each step resonates in its return to source. Silence is found between the notes of steps and breath and beating heart. We're learning to listen.
We're finding our song.

Everything vibrates and everything seeks resonance - the runner and the trail are a wish for harmony. The "Runner's High" is not a solitary effort - it's two notes resonating in a greater song. When we reach this level we feel as if we could run forever. Perhaps we could - we're no longer running under the effort of mind and legs alone. With this awareness -our solo runs bring us a to new harmony with nature and increased energy and appreciation. In races it helps us to lift others and offer a silent encouragement. Resonance - we're all vibrating to a greater song.


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