Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Running In Dialogue

We run in dialogue with earth and air. Our steps tell the story of bone and flesh and the weight of our becoming. Every breath is told in hushed tones of inspiration - we are alive and a celebration of motion. Our bodies speak of functionality and wonder - we are molecules dancing in the guise of solidity. The earth reminds us that we are one in nature. Each step a homecoming brief in its giving. Our bodies are of the ground - bound by spirit for a lifetime. The air speaks of mysteries - holiness gathered as a breeze and swept in silent language to the world. Earth and air are constant in their whispered secrets. Running brings us to this conversation. We are invited to share - to join the telling and listening of ancient truths.
We run to tell stories.
We run to hear stories.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

In oneness with all that is... blessed be, my friend.
