Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Long Ignored

Interesting (sadly so)  - The Washington Post food section today featured food safety concerns and issues. One of the lead articles dealt with how we will possibly be able to feed the addition of 9 billion people that are expected to be alive on earth by the year 2050. Lots of issues presented. Few solutions offered. And surprisingly (or not) veganism, or even vegetarianism were not even mentioned as a viable option. The World Health Organization knows that not only is a change in diet viable - it's a must - perhaps the only solution. People should be aware of the fact(s) that 40% of the grains produced worldwide goes to feeding livestock. And worse - who is eating the livestock? Certainly not the poor worldwide who can't afford meat but could quite easily benefit from the grain that produced it. A fact referenced in Kathy Freston's wonderful book - Veganist, states that if 1 in 10 people globally stopped eating meat, it would free up enough grains to feed the 1 billion people on this planet who currently do not have enough to eat. None of this was mention in an entire section of a major national newspaper totally devoted to food issues and concerns. Amazing. And how can issues of food safety be talked of without mention of the hazards of meat itself and the present practice of farming and argri-bussiness? The answer is that in all seriousness to the issues at stake - they simply can no longer be ignored. Yes, people like meat. I get it. But we will have to change - you may have to become on of the 1 in 10 people who give up meat. Your conscious may demand it.

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