Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pets And Other Animals

I have a friend who has a pet pig that she swears is as smart and loyal as a dog. I don't doubt her - pigs are known to be highly intelligent and social animals. Recent research shows chickens are smart and social as well - solving complex problems in order to get feed and having a highly evolved social order amongst themselves. Geese and other fowl mate for life and any dairy farmer will tell you that a mother will mourn the separation of her and her calves for days stretching to weeks on end.All animals have amazing and complex emotional lives - that we choose to eat them not with standing. My friend tells me that she would never allow harm to come to her pet. I feel the same about my dogs and cat.The difference (as I see it) is that I would also never choose to eat someones pet - be it dog, cat or pig. Once love and intelligence is seen in one creatures eyes - it's time to let distinctions fall to the wayside and accept all creatures as capable of being our friends* and deserving our respect.


*please treat wild animals with the care and concern they deserve - from a safe distance with respect for the very wildness we admire and the wilderness that's their home.

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