Wednesday, May 1, 2024



it's constant, at least in my own beautiful neighborhood, that even surrounded by a verdant landscape, songbirds, and wildlife, there remains an underlying din of busyness, a world that's always rushing towards a sense of completeness yet never truly ever arriving - just staying always in motion and producing the soundtrack of a stress-filled lifestyle. 

there never seems to be a moment of true rest. 

and the effects are startling to consider.

our pursuit of always being in motion, cars in constant commute, flight patterns filling airspace, and lawns in need of maintaining their perfect look - it's literally the sound of stress and a way of life that disrupts the very nature of our support system. We're in need quietness and a sense of solitude, a landscape that cultivates emotional health and allows for restoration. Instead, we have the whirl of turmoil that fills every bit of silence throughout the day and even into what should be the deep silence of the night. 

there's never the sound of complete rest.

society it seems, is now in the business of noise production, and it's constant and disruptive. Studies show that human noise is the cause of the decline of mating behavior in our animal neighbors, making communication near impossible for many of our most treasured songbirds, altering how many species forage, and disturbing their spatial orientation on land and aquatic ecosystems. This is also to our detriment, as well, for we thrive only so long as nature does, and it's decline only foreshadows our own.

and it's already showing this effect.

in essence, we are vibratory, being at ease within a landscape that supports frequencies of balance and well-being. Yet the soundtrack we're now producing is one that wears us down, increasing stress and causing a rise in certain hormonal levels that lead to dis-ease of spirit, mind, and body. We suffer from the lack of any length of silence, as even our nights are filled with just a slightly quieter hum of busyness. 

we're in need of true downtime.


an escape from constant sound.

perhaps the only way to reach this is to cultivate those quite moments found between the world's noisiness, sinking into the briefest silence with deep joy and appreciation. As we begin restoring ourselves we can offer this comfort to our neighbors, humans and animals alike, having a true sabbath even if for only for a few moments through the day. 

from our own sense of peace, 

through cultivating a quietness of soul, body and mind...

we heal ourselves, as well as nature.

restoring truest, deepest silence to the world. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Spontaneous Inspiration 

Also, please visit to buy: The Upanishads 

Thank you. 

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