Tuesday, August 24, 2021

If By Chance or Order

If by chance or order: 

if by chance or by order - and both science and philosophy have given this much study, with Einstein famously stating that God doesn't play nice with the universe in defense of order from the quantum weirdness of the world. He truly believed that mystery was simply a current unknown and would one day reveal answers to scientific minds. Philosophers take a varied view with religious thinkers of course taking God as the master planner of it all and mortals not being privy to His ways. 

evolution has a different view with chance being the constant rule of life's continuation. Yes, there is direction, an urge for survival, but randomness played to our favor and gave cause for the elegance of a giraffe's neck to our own ability to navigate the world in such a clever way. It seems there is room for an argument to be made for both chance and order. 

it's not my argument to make.

my own life is utterly ruled by mystery, with grace playing a certain theme throughout, and no sure explanation for the presence of either. It certainly seems that God has rolled the nice for my existence, improbable odds stacked against arrival and all the gifts found immediate to my birth. So much had to happen in just a certain way for even a first breath to be drawn. The dice, from infinite regression, rolled and continue so, completely in my favor. 

as if by plan.

if by chance or by order - and really the two are seamless in my view. I offer no need to distinguish between any aspect of life in defense of a particular theory. Life happened, by great chance and through the same developed through a certain order. Perhaps there is some greater intelligence that lends a guiding hand, or more likely still that life itself is a divine intelligence of its own command, a simple urge for continuation that somehow gives rise for our own wish to explore and understand. I find no reason to choose an explanation when both chance and order play so completely as a theme. 

and so for me, 

I am grateful for every random event that has led to my existence, as well for the arrangements that allow for life to be in all the complexities of its chaos and beauty. By mystery and by grace - I find myself alive and thankful that it's so.


Peace, Eric 

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