Monday, March 1, 2021

No Infinite Lines

No infinite lines:

there are no infinite lines, no point where one thing ultimately becomes another, something separate, and leaves its previous world behind. Yes, it's seen that the ocean ceases at the shore, yet there is a subtle touch between the two, of how the beach becomes an ocean floor, and smaller bodies, rivers, lend themselves to carry on the essence of its tide. To say that something leaves itself apart in order to become something other misses this continuation. Everything is touched upon another in endless ways. It's a world of distinctions, but always one thing. 

simply life, or more subtle still, energy in variety of expression - this is the truest ocean, primordial, existing both as potential and the world of form. There are no lines drawn here, nothing solid that doesn't also exist at once as formless pattern. From my own basic level, cells to skin, the atmosphere that supports my given breath, and all the way to....

there are no infinite lines.

there's only what continues, or perhaps better stated, only continuation - that I am not land, nor ocean, but existing as potential, a temporary lend of spacious energy expressed at once as water and it's shore. I am part of this as well, no line drawn from my own infinite nature. I see this as a true miracle, that of all that could have been expressed - I appear, and of the same essence as great oceans, mountains, to every single blade of grass. I am equal to this all, more so, that I am....

and this includes it all. 


Peace, Eric 

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