Sunday, March 28, 2021

Because Life

Because life:

because life knows - at least this is my easy answer, that life is intelligence itself, and flows with its own course of wisdom. It's my answer for mystery, for my own wish to know why events turn to sudden fortune or sometimes great pain. But no answer can escape mystery, there is no real comfort to assign a greater meaning to the world, nor to give purpose to a higher sense of being.

it's life that knows.

this is the wisdom found in nature, innate within seedling to bud and the knowing of its bloom - everything has its own place and reason, its own response to what the present situation holds. It's how life unfolds, seamless, infinite patterns of events within events. Life knows continuation, it knows motion, seasons, and the play of time. 

life knows itself.

and this is why it's an easy easy answer, satisfying even in its simplicity - because life knows and there too is my own point of being. I know myself as life, perhaps a more sophisticated seedling now in present bloom. But always life, always nature. It's only complicated when I set myself apart, an imagined entity outside the course of life, full of demands and shouting out for answers. 

but that too has its season. 

nothing is apart from life, and I am not excluded from any aspect of it's flow - because life knows, than I know too that I belong through the entirety of its journey. It's not answer, mystery has no concern of my demands. It's just knowing, belonging, an easy way of seeing how each moment simply follows the next in it's intricate design and that am part of this intricate pattern of being. 

because life knows - I am. 


Peace, Eric 

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