Thursday, August 22, 2019

As This Allowing

that there is - and we too 
belong as this 

what's present, belongs, if only briefly for the moment of its appearance. Presence could rightly be called an allowing space, open, a willing acceptance for every object, each passing thought and emotion - what ever is, has been received with welcome. Sometimes this is hard to believe, difficult for us to come to terms with, and often discarded in a personal fight against reality. Yet evidence remains as simply what appears, each moment holding a world of its own, things we love and others we wish to not exist. That's reality. Our way to peace is also found within each moment, in fact, it's the moment itself, ever present and always ready for one more thing to belong, or something more to drift aside. It's in this noting that we find no clear line between what is present and our awareness of it, its simply one great allowing, object and acceptance being one thing only. In this light - how could anything possibly be denied? 


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