Saturday, May 25, 2019

This Moment's Recognition

it's a relaxed approach, gentle, one of simply recognizing what the moment holds without our interference, and in fact even our contrary desires are allowed in this belonging. Am I aware? is the basic question, noting an object, emotion or something as subtle as a thought brings us to this questioning - there's nothing to change, no state of mind to reach, and no answer is even needed. To be aware is its own answer and it's here that we rest in the comfort of knowing that this alone is enough and anything beyond is not for our control. We are aware -because we are aware. There is nowhere else to go in this inquiry, we've come to the bare essential of identity, awareness itself and the seamless, invisible hold of content. To note a tree and trace its every detail back to the simplicity of awareness is to hold its origin as our own. Our capacity to be aware is the essence of love, as not one thing we hold in awareness can be denied, everything is embraced in it's unique profile as one more manifestation of the One. In this way we truly do view the world through the understanding of love and this allows as well our desire for things to be otherwise at times, for these thoughts too are viewed through our capacity as love. 
This might be seen as a practice, a method of some achievement - yet it happens every moment, our default mode of being and the only effort is the gentle reminder of its every moment occurrence. We are not the ones doing this - it happens entirely on its own.
We are just a nod in this great recognition. 


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