Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I'm not Certain of Much

so here it is, this moment - and what can we say for certain? For me it's not much. Each thought that occurs to me is later found to be a belief or speculation, information gathered that once had a ring of truth but can't be proven past the point of my commitment. There's a lot that I would like to believe, I would love for every sage and book of wisdom that offered us some grace to be true. Perhaps some of them are - but do I know for certain? My answer to this is always no. Honestly the next words typed, the very next thought, will all prove to be a mystery. Even longing for a sense of certainty eventually fades to something else. So I've come to recognize that this moment is enough, right now there is no doubt that I exist, and that I'm aware of this existence. That's pretty good, it's big really, because my existence seems such a lovely thing, awareness of it an added bonus. None of this had to be - but it did and I'm grateful. 


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