Thursday, May 2, 2019

No Greater Awareness

there is no greater awareness - only this, with
every detail of the world

Seeing this, that we're perfectly, fully, aware at this moment - is the first and only recognition needed. There's arguments of levels of awakening, debates on terminology and which teacher holds the promise of seeing reality at it's deepest level. I have no idea who's correct, nor the proper Sanskrit word for where I now find myself. But seeing is enough, relaxing in the presence with what and all that's present is enough. More so, it's unlimited and open for continuous exploration - from the most finite mote of existence to the infinite expansion of the universe, there's no place that doesn't hold my own belonging. I'm perfectly fine with being here, at once a person in the world and as well the space that holds both the world and person. Life will continue to unfold, and with this comes new avenues to explore. Everything may change - yet right now, we are perfectly, fully, aware. 


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