Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You are a Runner

One of the most wonderful things of being a runner is the feeling that your body is capable of covering great distances, that you are able to tread rough terrain quickly and with a sense of grace and ease. Runners held an honored spot throughout history for the swiftness and courage and were needed for these abilities to communicate with other villages and cities. There was a great scene in The Last of the Mohican's where a runner set off through hostile territory under the cover of the night and a sharpshooter. The runner relied only on two things as he kept his vision straight ahead towards his goal - the accuracy of the shooter and the power, drive and stamina his legs would provide. It was a stirring scene. Think of this on your next run - you are part of something much larger then yourself - you are a runner and history and the universe honors you.



randy said...

I like it!

randy said...

I like it!

A Headless Place said...

Thanks Randy - and I always consider you a runner of the highest order!