Monday, February 13, 2012


Somethings demand focus - writing, meditating, kettlebells, running - for me all of these events are similair in that my mind needs to sharpen on the activity to get the best results and there are sonsequences of attention waivers. And attention will waiver and do so repeatedly - that's the nature of learning concentration. It's the focus on an object, the loss of focus and then the sharp return when absence is noted. In time we have shaprened our mind to one the mystics call "one pointed attetnion" and everything we focus on begins to be a meditation and the universe opens itself up for our discovery. The consequences for allowing the mind to wander can be as simple as an unfocused meditation session, to unproductive writing (or worse - no writing) to being hit on the head by a kettlebell (yes, it's happened) to falling on the trail (again, happened)
But my mind always returns.
Gently I place it back to the mantra, the page, the act of lifting or on the trail.
My mind is sharpening.
And the universe beckons.

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