Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Veganism, Slaughter, and (Slightly) Pro Hunting

I'm reading The Pig Who Sang to the Monn, by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson right - this book is an emotional roller coaster - from the lows of the expereinces of these "farmed" animals to the highs of their rich emotional lives and again to new lows, now knowing high these highly sensitive and intelligent creatures are treated. If more people could fathom the pain and suffering animals go through for the mere convenicne of ready meat at our tables and command then veganism would not just be an option but a demand. Personally I am convinced that a Plant Based diet is the healthiest and most eniormentally friendly way to eat. Yet even if I wasn't I would be looking for healthful options so I could do my (however small) part in sparing animals this unnecessary suffering. Fortunetely it's a win/win/win as veganism is better for you, the planent and of course the animals. Before I made the transition I looked for alternatives - dairy from "happy cows", cage free eggs, and grass fed beef - non of these are options, they just postpone the enevitable. Meat is death all the way around. If meat is a must (and it isn't) I would much rather see it come from a hunting source then farming. A hunter with who is hunting for meat and not "sport" or a trophy and knows how to select, and then properly care for the slain animal, how leaves little for chance and will not risk wounding an animal on a chance shot. I come from a family of such hunters and while I don't wish to hunt myself and would like for hunters to have a change of heart in such matters - I will not turn a anti hunting finger to them and condem. My father quit hunting in his twenties after returning from the South Pacific in WWll, he simply no longer wished to kill animals. We may all reach this descion someday and those who hunt I belive will reach it sooner then those who turn a blind eye to the slaughter on their plates. A hunter seems somehow more honest to me. Check out the book mentin above. And more - really take a look behind the scenes of where your meat is coming from.


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