Tuesday, September 21, 2021

This All Arrives

This all arrives:

my answer is seeing - and with any question of division, worth of self or others, any doubt as to what belongs right now. Seeing eases my concern, instantly, and with clarity of first experience. What appears right now is the immediacy of body, a desk, a cup with steam rising from my waiting coffee. Everything is simply here, present without demand, and if I looked from my window the world too would open as the view. This all arrives to me, I am graced with morning and somehow being aware. 

it's beautiful to be.

seeing is the mediation of what belongs, the view always extends, remaining a willingness to hold no matter what appears. This is capacity, and if I look from any object from the world and return it to the origin of my gaze - it's exactly what I find. Capacity itself can only be empty, always, and yet at once it holds a universe by request, seamless, without bias to its embrace. 

everything appears. 

yet nothing remains. 

and all along I find myself aware, knowing myself now as this capacity, empty and willing to embrace the world in every detail of appearance. It's at once impersonal while being intimate by its very nature, transparent and able to be opaque too, empty of a personal self, and yet I find myself so dear in its belonging. 

this all arrives to me, with each and any moment by request of simply seeing. Everything appears here, now, to the immediacy of this aware presence. Asking for none of this, I am simply granted the world with every moment, and I am grateful that it happens.

it's so beautiful to be.


Peace, Eric 

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