Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ego At Play

ego is not my enemy - why fight a phantom, or give further energy to gathered beliefs held in place by constant attention? My definition of awakening includes simply seeing the ego at play, presenting itself as a solid force of will to get its way. Take attention away from this thought/belief and does it still have the internal weight as before? I see my ego come out and play along with other egos, and quiet often there is a forgetfulness of play, there's a reassertion of importance, and perhaps some hurt feelings will result. And sometimes too it's all held lightly, just play, a letting go of ideas and beliefs that imagined force represents who I really am. Ego is present as an appearance within reality - but that doesn't make it real. Although over reliance on its role as chief policy maker in our lives has real effects on our relationships and happiness. And fighting it, making it the enemy of a spiritual pursuit, only serves to further its importance. Speaking only for myself (as I'm only able) relaxing, allowing the ego to make its appearance, and inquiring into who or what holds it within awareness, seems to bring a lightness to the moment, a bit of space, and definitely some humor. Why fight what's there? Especially if it isn't really there at all? 


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