Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Shifting In It's Presentation

no clear line - it's subtle and yet at once too, from a world of objects, a mind filled by thoughts, to a spacious wonder in full allowance to it all. Certainly there is no point where one becomes another - as if a tree gives way in it's reach so that the sky could achieve its open nature. It seems more that both exist within the potential for each other, a tree reaching it's fullness in the great expanse of air, and the sky finds its fulfillment in the capacity of its giving. One thing simply shifting in its presentation of self, at no time a break in this existence. So too are we included, our reach as great as every tree and own capacity equal to the sky. There is no clear line between us, no point where the world becomes separate from the space given by our view. One thing, shifting in its presentation....


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