Monday, January 2, 2017

One Thing Surrendering To Itself

There is no choice to our surrender - on the edge of will and determination, there is awareness, infinite in its welcome, patient, stillness by its very nature. Nothing is surrendered to this - nothing exist outside of this. That's our revelation, that we are this presence, and even the lines we've drawn in thought and form are held in one embrace. It's really more remembering - we are aware, and all things have their moment and pass again into existence. One thing surrendering to itself. To this truth - there is no edge, and even the greatest will gives itself away.

Effort is required, there is often a struggle - and then there is a letting go. But the truth is that there is nothing to let go of and no one present to surrender. There's only presence recognizing the appearance of our concerns. This is love, Without conditions. It's who we are. Effort and struggle are products of a life well lived, they belong in thought and form, but not in permanent fixture of awareness. Remembering this is truth of surrender. Nothing more is required. It's the same with distance - a step is taken, effort, in time we tire, struggle - and distance stays present in its acceptance. We are loved through it all, welcomed, and always offered more.


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