Friday, December 9, 2016

The Entirety Of An Ocean

All things in their appearance - lasting for the length of which they're given, and then again recognized as one existence. In this life, we too are an appearance, brief in comparison to earth and sky, yet sharing with them as well an eventual passing. All appearances must end. There is more though, there is that to which is witness to all that comes and goes, there is the everlasting that is aware of all that passes. There is the truth of who we are. We are lost in the scenery of this world, giving up a larger reality for the beauty of emersion. It's the fullness of our experience, wholly becoming the details of a life. It's the intimate nature of awareness, an embrace to depth of forgetfulness without ever letting go. And this is how it is - until we remember. We wake in truth, not to abandon the treasure of appearance, but to be a fair participant to an awakened life. Now, we are unmoored from a single fixed position surrounded by the existence of the ocean, to the realization that we are depth and wave, the entirety of an ocean. One existence.
Appearances and all.

Every run is a set distance only in the mind - each step contains the entire journey.


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