Saturday, December 3, 2016

I guess We Have To Call It Something

We could certainly call it God - this presence, aware, and all allowing. It is definitely love in its most true sense. Nothing is imposed, there is no infliction of a sense of wrong, yet everything is held to a standard of giving - as each breath demonstrates in the life received and then released to be as air again in expansion. We could call this life. There is more though, as life believed to be an individual endeavor in pursuit of something more - what's talked about here is entirely of a different sort, it's Life, not lived but expressed in continuation of a whole, one thing and the many aspects of its self given as mystery to the world. In this sense, we could call it our own name, I Am, our true self before and still and forevermore. It's who we are. Always. The name itself is unimportant.

It's running, and it's not, perhaps a prayer in motion. It's simply what we do. And it's enough.


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