Sunday, November 20, 2016

To Belong

Of earth, and sky, and wind, and rain - we are motion swept against the mystery of ourselves. To watch a bird in flight is to see a seamless expression of how one thing opens to yet another aspect of itself - a bird is not against or even within the sky, but simply flight. We ourselves are not travelers across a foreign ground, no, the earth is seen as our own welcoming, a call for which response is now fitting - perhaps swiftly as a runners gait, or steady in a walker's slow caress, even stillness may be what the moment offers to be best. We know this all as our own spontaneous becoming - it happens not because of will or effort, again a bird does not force the sky for invitation, it's always there, open, and aspect of existence in joyful welcome. Our role in the world is what every bird knows for certain -  to belong.


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