Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Running With Suffering

We don't seek pain. We seek to know the gift of suffering - running to the tender points of our brokenness with a willingness to simply be present to its existence. We don't seek change. Only a return to wholeness. Running is our deliverance - it brings our presence to the experience of suffering. We find the spacious nature of what once felt solid in its ache - exploring a depth matched by the distance of our run. All suffering is internal. Our steps are the means within and our awareness a shine of compassion. Suffering is the gift of reconnecting fragments of a whole self shattered by pain, grief and sorrow. Running brings us to the edge of every fragment - our steps threading broken parts of soul, mind and body through a tapestry of time and distance. We will emerge whole - healed of the illusion of separate parts. Suffering is not the truth - but it leads us to what is true. Running is how we discover this gift.


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