Monday, November 10, 2014

Cherishing - The Holy Art Of Running (And Other Stuff)

Grace is the spacious nature of

Our path - is to give ourselves away.


The Buddha spoke a Noble truth - to cling is to suffer. Any grasp outside the present moment is to invite suffering. If we run towards or away from a fixed outcome we lose the fluidity of running with spirit - again - we invite suffering. Distance brings its own form of anguish, pain and grief - none of this is suffering. It's the divine madness of distance running - the edge of what we hold to and what is surrendered. Running teaches us the difference between clinging to a goal, object or ultimately the self and the holy art of cherishing. To cherish is to see through the solidity of thought and possessions to the formless aspect of all things. The breeze is cherished as it slips though branches, water is cherished in its caress, our steps cherish the ground even in their passing. Cherishing is sacred sight - to see the unmanifest in the manifestations of the world. Nothing stays forever yet nothing is ever lost. To know this is to escape suffering. Cherish what seems to slip away - and know that it is always present. Run with grace.


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