Saturday, January 11, 2025




we're asked to love, specifically, Saint Francis says that where there is hatred let us sow love - and the question is if this is even possible, are we capable of being love in the worst of all possible time? I don't know, honestly, it does seem a monumental task. However, what's asked for is to simply sow the seeds of love, gently planted, tended, and then allow God to do the rest.


but still monumental in occurrence. 

and this is because it's we, ourselves, that's transformed. We are that tended field of love that blossoms with compassion, flowering with the joy of what we offer to the world. Where there is hatred doesn't mean the absence of love, only a failure to recognize it's presence beneath the surface of turmoil. What's really asked for is faith, not a faith of distance, but an active belief in who we truly are. I have faith that I will always return to love, eventually, and maybe after countless wring decisions. 

but eventually. 

so with every opportunity now, while it's easy, or at lease easier.

I plant the seeds of  love.

having faith they will be sown. 


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: An Instrument of Thy Peace

Also, please visit to buy; Make Me An Instrument of Thy Peace

Thank you. 

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