Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year

New year: 

just a few hours into the new year, 2024, and I'm up at my usual time of 3:00 a.m for meditation, yoga, and writing. There's my one cup of coffee for the day at my desk, still too hot to barely sip and yet I continuously try until the temperature settles and my sips become routine. After I write these words, whatever they shape to be, I'll go for my morning walk, first of the year, hopeful that nature greets me with the sites I'm always eager to see - fox, owls,maybe the long elusive suburban coyote that's been rumored to roam the neighborhood. 

the new year starts out identical as yesterday for me.

it's a routine now, each day blending in much the same as every other.

seamlessly so.

and yet....

there's magic here too, nothing is ever repetitious - that I can do the same yoga pose each morning and it's always a new avenue of exploration in an ever changing body, a shifting thrill of energy that never fails to leave me astonished at what's found. Meditation is a fresh dive into the endlessness of consciousness that is a constant surprise of silence, decades of practice and it still leads me to a genuine realm of inspiration that eventually touches the page of my morning writing. 

always without fail. 

and every moment unfolds as this wonder, a new year in an instant, and it only takes my attention to discover the magic that is present. That would be my resolution, not any type of self-improvement, but to simply notice, and notice, and notice...

continuously so.

a new year with every moment.

showing me its magic. 


Peace, Eric 

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