Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Spirituality of Relaxation

there's no accurate description - yet we are in the midst  of it, life fully as is, everything happening in synchronous fashion, and our whole participation. It's our belief that we are somehow outside the events of living, that life happens too, but not through us, that keeps us from a realization of our harmonious nature. Here's the thing - every seeming mistake fits in. Perfectly. I'm not assigning meaning to events, nor stating a belief in divine guidance (nor discounting anything either) but simply relying on the wisdom of what is, now, and always - which is that life flows in continuous wonder, constantly changing, and providing for itself in ways beyond my conscious understanding. I have faith in life. In this light, I often find myself in a state of allowing grace, where even my arguments against reality are given full acceptance in the moment and then gently ease in the heaviness of meaning. They're just one more thing that will be let go of on their own accord, no mindful effort on my part needed. 
It's the spirituality of relaxation. 
And somehow - all I need. 


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