Sunday, October 1, 2017

Nowhere In This - Loneliness, Hell, and Alone

our hell is not of our making, nor is it harm caused by others - no, hell is but a single thought held in its extreme. We believe in a self separate in existence. And so we suffer in the belief of our loneliness -one thing held apart from another. Yet there is salvation offered, a grace given in sudden clarity and sight - it's beyond the notion of belief. In truth, we are alone, we are one thing, but in no way separate or apart from the spread of all existence. We are alone by the very means that there is no other save ourselves in different form, and even that is but an illusion of the senses. We are all that is and this aloneness is Divine in its unity and uniqueness. So we see there is no hell, and our revelation is found in no place other than looking directly at the source where the world we know begins - here, our own line from world to formless self and back again. Look, trace it all to the point that holds it origin - trust only what is seen and the emptiness that allows for it to be. Nowhere in this, is there a hell to be found. 



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