Sunday, March 15, 2015


To sit and listen with the
As a breeze whispers secrets
through the grass.
And birds sing nothing to the air but
the carried flight of their
The river moves in stillness.
While I sit in the quiet motion of
my thoughts -
Listening with the river.
Running too becomes an act of listening -secrets whispered from steps to path and back again. The world is eager to share its story. Our bodies also have a message hidden in breath and heartbeat and deep to the bones. Run, listen...

Image result for running by a river


Karilea said... a young child then girl... I ran...hard and fast and felt my heart beat against its walls. My heart didn't have room for walls...

And then as a young woman following a terrible case of measles....I found myself slowing at tennis and running carefree...

As a young married woman shortly after my wedding I contracted mononucleosis. The doctor won't do the exercises you once did when he had a thorough exam and questioning period. I felt he had to be wrong...

But mono is and strange disease. You doesn't attack the mind. Only the ability.

But in my Sagittarius soul... I run.

A Headless Place said...

Indeed, your soul soars Karilea.