Monday, April 14, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #46

Whoever can see through all fear
will always be safe.

Our stride knows no fear.
Only the mind gathers fearful clouds that storm
against the spirit.
Yet nothing can touch the still point of our being - we are
free from fear in the recognition that we run as an
extension of this truth.
Clouds are harmless in the vastness of the sky and thoughts pass
gently in the infinite nature of spirit. Identify with the
source from which we run -

And fear itself becomes impossible.

  • In the absence of fear our stride is infinite. Fearful thoughts limit the distance we run and the borders we strive for. And yet a thought itself in boundless - without the mind grasping for its return, a thought would pass harmless though the mind, leaving no trace behind. Fear is a warning of the senses and serves us well in keeping the body safe. If we are able to create a little space between the initial stirring of fear and our response to it we are able to enter a realm beyond the "flight or fight" pattern that keeps us limited in choice and awareness. Spaciousness is not a state to be achieved - it's a recognition of self and being. We are spacious by nature. As we run in greater distances our mind begins to identify with the endlessness of our stride, the space between steps and length of breath drawn. We remember who we are and see with eyes newly accustomed to witnessing the infinite. We are now beyond the grip of fear and choices unfold in a limitless option of one - how deeply will we extend ourselves as love in every step and situation. In the absence of fear - love is who we are.


Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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