Saturday, October 5, 2024

Choose Love

Choose love: 

the question that I sometimes given on social media is to make a choice between Israel or Palestine, sometimes followed by why I don't discuss such issues now that I have a small platform on YouTube to share my views. And they're correct, I generally don't give my views and especially on complex geopolitical  problems that are so far beyond my understanding. 

as well, the phrasing of the question leaves me without an answer.

there are no sides in suffering.

and that's our thinking right now, on so many issues, that there's an actual choice to be made against another,  believing that actual sides exist, and that compassion for all is too far fetched to even consider. I don't have an answer, at least not one that would really satisfy anyone. Yet I do know what to choose and it's a always my own personal choice of peace, not through any grand gesture, but just a quiet retreat to my deepest self and then to extend myself as love throughout the world. 

one person at a time. 

so for me, that's all I can do, but maybe you're much smarter and more capable than I am, and if so, than I hope you're able to play a role in bringing peace to such a troubled world. What I do know is that no change will be lasing until we each achieve a sense of true inner peace. I know that love, a true love without conditions offered, will be the only possible solution. 

and it starts with you. 

me too. 

I'm doing my part right now, quietly so, gently, forgiving my way through the world. We teach peace individually, and it seems to take a very long time to reach others. But that's not our concern, we have an entire lifetime to spread this message. First though, and always after, it begins right now, you, me, and the love that's shared between us. Until this happens - no other peace will be achieved. 

so let's begin right now.

let's choose love.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Calling

Also, please visit to buy: All Peace, No Pieces

Thank you. 

Friday, October 4, 2024



it's love that calls to me, asking for my return from every single thought of separation that occurs, patiently so, gently, and now I'm happy to oblige. It's an easier journey this time around. For many years, decades actually, I battled with ego, concerned with it's hold on me, wishing truly to relinquish it and live a life free from its demands. Of course the fight, as well as my wish for liberation, were simply a battleground of  the ego, just another false struggle that I refused to acknowledge and let go. Ego is so often subtle in its appearance. 

and will win every battle against it.

yet more subtle still is the reality of love, always present, patient, and willing to allow my return from every struggle. Love reminds me that there doesn't have to be a battle, that there's no actual enemy here and that ego doesn't have to be banished as any sign of victory. That's the incessant call I hear, the softest voice of love that whispers to me, urging me to remember that I can always let go of any struggle and simply relax within the reality of its embrace.

and finally, 


I hear that call so clearly now.

completely letting go.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Our Loneliness

Also, please visit to buy: Only Love is Real

Thank you.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Our Loneliness

Our loneliness: 

there's a certain quality to our loneliness, a holiness really, an ache that calls for us to explore, as if we're finally given a clear directive to turn within and discover who we truly are. It's with this that I've come to love myself, with the past few years being largely reclusive and mostly by choice. My loneliness has led me home, slowly, a breath at a time it sometimes seems. 

but I'm here now. 

and find there's nowhere else I could possible be. 

I've actually been here all along.

hidden by my own wish to escape this loneliness.

completely missing the holiness of it's call.

yet now I know for certain...

I'm not along at all.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: All the Way

Also, please visit to buy: Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All

Thank you. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

All The Way

All the way: 

eventually, everything's forgiven, and the world is seen a different way. That's the promise at least, or the hope that we hold out for as we practice forgiveness. There might be the thought that as we proceed though life this way, transforming all that we perceived with a gentle focus on letting go of the fear that we've projected - there might be a thought that we will arrive somewhere, enlightened and aware, perhaps being truly at peace with ourselves and the world. 

a realization of who we truly are.

everything forgiven. 


I'm not sure if we need that hope, or if it even serves our highest value. For me, I'm without goal now, finally, being completely at home within my practice. I'm just happy to forgive. Zen master Dogen Zenji has a wonderful thought on this, that the practice of meditation is not a method for the attainment of self realization - it is enlightenment itself. Or as St. Catherine of Siena said: 

all the way to heaven is heaven. 

forgiving is the path of peace. 

It's enlightenment itself. 

 so really, there's no endgame to our practice, life continues with its frustrations, pain, and sorrows. And we'll continue to forgive, on going, committed...

bringing peace along the way.

all the way to heaven.

Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Completely of the Heart

Also, please visit to buy: A Memoir of Christ

Thank you. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Completely of the Heart

Completely of the heart: 

eventually, it all becomes a path completely of the heart, simply so - it's all forgiveness. And that's it, really, an entirety of spiritual pursuit brought to a surrender. The truth is that I always knew that it would eventually come to this, intuitively, that every moment of meditation, each particular yoga pose and mindful breath, it was all leading me towards a life of continuous forgiveness.

awakening, more so now than ever...

completely to the heart. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more form Headless Now, please visit: Meaningless World

Also, please visit to buy: Nothing Real Can Be Threatened

Thank you.