Saturday, October 12, 2024

One Light

One light: 

what we're seeing now is an expansion of fear, war spreading through the world, political discord causing neighbors to be distrustful of each other and families split apart over heated issues. I have no answers here, not politically so at least - but I do believe the antidote to fear is love. 

and so that is what I offer.

as best I'm able.

A Course in Miracles states that the opposite of fear is love, yet also, what is all encompassing truly has no opposite and this is all that has to be realized. To get this is to understand the entirety of the Course, and then we only have to live it, demonstrating it to ourselves until; the message spreads further. This is done quietly so, softly, and with the courage of introspection. The inquiry is always in asking if we're extending love or choosing fear, forgiving ourselves for our forgetfulness, and then simply remembering once again to offer only love. 

a simple, easy inquiry.

and life provides the means for our practice.

it seems to me, that this is truly the only way to heal the world. It's up to me, a small part, yes, but it's the first light that extends itself to others. It's up to you, the first light too, and I will accept the love you offer - and in this way we heal the world.

one light at a time. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Bare Essentials

Also, please visit: All Peace, No Pieces

Thank you.

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