Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Catching On

Catching on: 

there's a certain impossibility to forgiveness, it so often seems far beyond control, as if time itself plays a vital role in preparing us to let go, and nothing will budge us in that direction until it's decided that we're ready. Except that time has already surrendered its hold on our resentments, every judgement is a thought that must be repeatedly brought back to mind - 

and truthfully,

our wounds have already healed,

everything's forgiven.

we just haven't caught on...

at least not yet.

so really, forgiveness is simply the recognition of what's actually present right now, the innocence of this moment -and then residing here without intrusion from the illusions of the past. More so, it's offering this same recognition to others, a shared innocence, inviting them to a similar forgiveness. That's it, there's nothing more to be done...we're healed.


only now we're catching on.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Clear Directive

Also, please visit to buy: Healing the Unhealed Mind

Thank you. 

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